3.7 Step 6: Transaction Notifications to Merchant

3.7.1 Synchronous Payment POST

3.7.2. Post–Back URL Format

3.7.3. Merchant Notification POST Fields

Table 11. Merchant Notification POST Fields
Field Name
(max length)
Description Notes
MerchantIdentifier ^ Yes String(38) This is the unique identifier that is issued to the merchant by Vodacom to identify him on the payment platform. Was sent by the merchant in the original post. (Sent for recharge service call)
MerchantReference Yes String(20) This is the unique identifier that is used by the Merchant to identify the transaction on his system. Was sent by the merchant in the original post.
CorrelationIdentifier Yes String(38) This is the RequestIdentifier that was provided by the merchant Was sent by the merchant in the original post. (RequestIdentifier)
CustomerIdentifier Yes String(20) A unique value representing the merchant's customer undertaking this payment transaction.
Will be used to identify the customer if they elect to save their credit card details during payment (for future use).
Mandatory if merchant has been enabled for "Save Card".
Was sent by the merchant in the original post
CardNumber Yes String(16) The masked credit card number used in the transaction This number will be masked in accordance to the PCI DSS requirements
Amount Yes Decimal The amount of the transaction Was sent by the merchant in the original post
TransactionReference Yes String(21) The unique identifier of the transaction on the payment gateway Will always contain a value in the case of a successful transaction
ErrorCode Yes String(3) Error code returned. See 4.5. Appendix E: Vodacom Payment Gateway Response Codes. 00 – the transaction was accepted and will be processed. Non-Zero otherwise.
ErrorDescription No String(250) The description of the error that has occurred. See 4.5. Appendix E: Vodacom Payment Gateway Response Codes. Can be empty. Will only contain value if there was an error.
BankReference No String(16) The reference number that was returned from the bank Can be empty. If transaction was sent to bank, a number will be returned
BankResponseCode No String(3) The response code from the bank. See 4.4. Appendix D: Bank Response Codes. Can be empty. 00 – successful transaction.
BankResponseDescription No String(250) The description of the bank response code. See 4.4. Appendix D: Bank Response Codes. Can be empty.
ControlKey Yes String Encrypted value used to check that the values posted back correspond to a valid Payment Gateway post-back for the TransactionCompletedURL. See 4.2 Appendix B: Control Key – TransactionStatusCompletedURL for details on how this value is generated. Without this, could fail PCI vulnerability check
NewSavedCard No Boolean Flag indicating if a payment was made and the card was saved in the transaction. True = New card was saved.
IsSavedCard No Boolean Flag indicating whether a saved card was used in the transaction. True = Saved card was used.

